Security and Confidentiality are key concepts when dealing with commercial or personal data. Your first line of defense is an authentication method usually consisting of a username and password combination. Most users do not consider the personal or commercial impact of bad passwords until there has been unauthoarized access to their account or a data leak. Here are some strategies to implement strong passwords. Password Security: General
Don’t create passwords with personal or public information
Creating passwords with your name, birthday, hometown, etc. are bad practices. You might think: How would someone know my hometown? An easy facebook search, directory search, or even a simple google query can return more information than you might think would be out there. Be aware of your public information that is on the internet. Studies show that 92% of users create passwords that may contain public information.
Change passwords regularly or after specific events
All users should consider changing their passwords once a year to be extra cautious. Even if you are not changing your password regularly, you should update your password in the event of the following situations:
• After a security breach: If a security breach occurs, you should change your password as soon as possible to protect your information. Studies show that 45% of users haven’t changed their password in the last year, even after a security breach.
• Unauthorized account access: Many software platforms provide some type of authentication monitoring where they will flag suspicious logins from different devices or geographic locations. If you receive one of these notifications, change your password as soon as possible. You should also check that data within the platform hasn’t been altered or leaked.
• After malware if discovered on a system: If malware is discovered on the system, your computer or your network, you should change your password immediately. Change your password from a different device until you are positive the malware is removed.
Use different passwords for different platforms
Many people use the same password for multiple platforms. If an attacker gains access to your central password, they will gain access to a range of platforms and software. A few techniques exist to design passwords based on their platform, such as the name of the website backwards with some additional number of special characters. Creating a system for password management where you do not have to memorize or store passwords, allows easy access to a wide range of passwords. Be sure not to share your password management system design with anyone.
Keep an eye out for next week's blog where we dive into the technical aspects of password security that include dark web scans, password entropy mathematics, and a tip from a cybersecurity researcher. Password Security: General
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